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Now downloading free:Keithley 227D(Model227 252C2271)

Keithley 227D(Model227 252C2271) free download

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Test Instrumentation Group Keithley Instruments, Inc. 28755 Aurora Road Cleveland,Ohio 44139-1891 (216)X3-0400 . Fax: (216)498-2704 1-800-552-1115 INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 227 CURRENTSOURCE (AND MODEL 2271 PROGRAMMING OPTION) INSTRUCTIONMAMlAL Model 227 (and Model 2271 Programing Optionj OCOPYEICHT 1976, KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. FOURTHPRINTING, JAN. 1978, CLE"!%LAND, OHIO, U.S.A. MODEL227 WARNING EXTREME CARESHOULD TAILFNTO AVOID BE CONTACT WITR RIGH VOLTAGES WREN MAKING CONNECTIONS EXTh?2NAL n, TERMIIULS OR WREN SERVICING TRE MODEL227 WITX TOP AND BOTT(3.lCOVERSRZMOVEV. RecommendedProcedures for User Safety: 2. Make certain third-wire ground pin an line power card ls connected fo earth ground. This will ensure that the Model 227 chassis is at ground potential. 3. Before making connections anywhere on the front or rear panels, remove power to Model 227 by detaching the line power cord, or by setting the power switch to OFF, or by setting the OUTPUTSELECTOR switch to "SHORT" or "OPEN". Also, remove all external power Sources which may be connected between LO and CASE. 4. If the Model 227 LO terminal is to be floated above CASE, make certain that the metal link is removed between front panel LO and CASE terminals. 5. Make certain cable connections are well insulated and that no bare wires are ex- posed. Use connectors with fully enclosed and insulated virinS. 6. During calibration with top and/or bottom covers removed, extreme care must be taken to avoid contact with exposed circuitry. Use insulated tools and gloves for maximm safety. Various test points and adjustment circuitry my be up to 300 volts potential. iii 0975 CONTENTS MODEL227 CONTENTS SECTION PAGE SPECIFICATIONS __-__-_----_-_____________________

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